The 2005 BroncoZone.Com Off-Road Jamboree!

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Jul 14, 2004
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Melissa, TX

Sorry I didn't get to meet you, I was there but I wasn't in my Bronco...I went around to whoever I could find and talked. Bronco blue doors and his possee was there, so when you count jsm84, msuforeman and a couple of other guys I didn't get to meet there actually were a more than a few of us from b-zone.


I understand where you are coming from; that's why I really like this site.

But it's not just an event that failed; it's the fact that we were lied to. If you go somewhere expecting to see something, what would you do if that didn't happen? What if you went to a football game and only one team showed up, or a concert and the band just didn't show, or a movie and they said "oh, the movie is not here"? This was a major deal, 5+ hours from where I live. Here's an example of what we had to deal with; walterm told me on the phone that the park entrance fee would be $15.00 for b-zone members. When I checked in, I told the managers that and they looked at me like I had three eyes and said "I don't know where you heard that - it sure wasn't from us." I have shown broncozone to family, friends, and co-workers. I told ten people that Brad Paisley was supposed to do a show there (one of the many things walterm said was going to take place).

I brought my whole family, my teenagers and my dog, rented a 4x4 (my Bronco was not in shape for the trip so I wanted to show up in something I could go on trails with), and stayed in an overpriced resort hotel. walterm talked to me personally on my cell phone on wednesday, so if there was some kind of problem he could have let me know then.

This was way more than an event gone bad. It was some kind of sick joke, and I don't blame msuforeman one dang bit for not wanting to be associated with this kind of idiocy.


It was really good to meet you, sorry we left as we did. When you left for a trail ride I couldn't stand it no more, I flagged down and talked to the guy who drove a tractor and maintained the trails there and got him to recommend a Level 1 trail that I could take that lilly-white explorer on and that's what we did believe it or not (I have pictures!). We left after that and I guess you were still on the trail. I'll be in touch.


big mike

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Mar 27, 2005
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Well like Steve said "I came to wheel and I did", not as much as I would have liked becuase I brought my family with me, and you cant fit three in a rig with two seats. But I figured with the sponsors and T.V. filming it would be something they would want to be there for............I had a good time with my freinds from F.S.B. and it was good to meet jsm84, he is a good guy. Brian n Texas I'm sorry I did not get a chance to meet you.

I have been an active member of several Bronco websites over the last ten years, and want to say that wheelin' trips and meet & greets never go as planned, I have been to many........but what happened with this trip is just a shame, to have a guy blow smoke up everyones ass about whats going to be there and how long and hard people have worked to put something together when its all just ********. Walter, maybe therapy would help you with your delusions of grandure, but I doubt it. Any ******* that would blantly lie to people that could have been freinds is probably beyond help, I just feel sorry for the goodfolks at broncozone that listened to the crap.

That being said, we all had a great time, good wheeling, good people, good food, good beverages and even the weather cooperated by cooling down a little so the days were'nt too hot and the nights were cool enough to sleep comfortably if you were camping. It was fun to meet some people I had'nt met before and see their rigs. The Super lift park is awesome with outstanding trails, if you have a chance to go you wont regret it.

So I'm going to put this behind me.......I came over here thinking that maybe there could be two good Full Size Bronco sites unfortunately as allways there is only one. Like the others I cant tolerate being lied to so feel free to remove my name from the registry and I'll see ya'll at that other site.........




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Jun 9, 2005
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The trip was anything but a waste of time, but the so called "event" is a joke.

I got lucky on the way home though and found my own "Raffle Prize" in a barn near Alto, Texas. Just think, if I had spent all my money on raffle tickets for these alleged prizes, I couldn't have pulled this off. Check out my thread on Classic


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Sep 15, 2004
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Baton Rouge, La.
to start with, bite me. my job is my livelyhood, it comes first. as far as ford, and the rest not showing up, ask them. I sent kaj with the GPS's he braught them back. for what reason, I don't know yet............ it's not worth it, kiss my ass!

I have nothing to prove, to jsm84, I am truely sorry, had I'd known this was going to happen, I'd never left. everybody else, read back a little.



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Jul 24, 2005
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to start with, bite me. my job is my livelyhood, it comes first. as far as ford, and the rest not showing up, ask them. I sent kaj with the GPS's he braught them back. for what reason, I don't know yet............ it's not worth it, kiss my ass!I have nothing to prove, to jsm84, I am truely sorry, had I'd known this was going to happen, I'd never left. everybody else, read back a little.


you gotta love an ******* trying to be a man



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Mar 23, 2005
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Ridgeland Mississippi
Walter, I understand that things do not always go as planned, but if planned, they work out....what I have seen is you doing a lot of lip service about what an event this was gonna be.....thats total bullcrap....none of the "sponsors" made it, none of the "prizes" made it, and in fact, Clyde and Linda were shocked that this was "in the works"....if you were a planner, and if the site were serious, there would have been some folks there, and some contingencies laid....

Not only did the stuff you promised not materialize, it was un heard of....

I understand that your work has got to take priority, jbut JSM84 was there and under the impresssion talking with you that this would work out.

I guess what can you expect from a site where no one posts for days at a time.


I am out of here.



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Mar 16, 2004
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Schenectady, NY
Good evening all:

I have had a lot going on here and I am not happy as well.

First off I had a big fight with my better half and moved out, due to this I lost my internet use so I have not been able to read anything or say anything till now.

I am sorry for not making the trip but my finances would not allow it, Walter was supposed to send me the money to fly down because I just got the Beast up and running and decided not to drive it (it was down for 3 months and I didn't trust it for that long of a trip). He was also supposed to fly my better half down to supprise me down there but that didn't happen either.

I too am not happy with him as I also hear excuse after excuse from him. Please don't blame me for this flop of an event that was supposed to be a great time that I was also looking forward to.

As far as all the stuff that I thought were set in stone goes, Walter was supposed to handle all of that so I don't know what happened to it.

Again I am very sorry for this big flop and I hope you folks don't hold it against me. I have not heard from Walter in over a week but I plan to let him have it when I finally do hear from him.


Bronco blue doors

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Jul 27, 2005
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I had fun on the trails. I was dissappointed that the sponsors didn't show. I was under the impression that Walter had all this worked out. Thats the reason everyone is coming down ******* him. He should find out what happened and let the rest of know. He was the lead on this or he decided to take the lead, he made it his job now answer for it. I was just using this as a test run for what I need to do to the truck. All in All I'll go again if the site decides to have it here again. Right now I am limited to how far I can travel.



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Sep 15, 2004
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Baton Rouge, La.
to start with, I have found out a lot. first, nothing was filmed due to the fact not enough trucks were there. it was made clear we needed 25+ trucks for them to show up. I have all the GPS units here, since my friends are useless. ford tried tocontact randy and couldn't reach him. ( randy couldn't get a signal on his phone inside the park ). the rest I'm still working on.

as far as my previous response, I appoligize. I've since spoke with randy and brain. to you two, thanks for understanding. you two are great people, if you ever need me, call.

lastly, so things didn't go as planned, I understand everyone had a great time none the less. and for thoose that didn't even go, you have no right to say a word. untill you know the reasons for what happened, don't comment.

I talked to darren last night as well, he even understands.

randy and I have came up with a solution to the madness, check out the prize raffle thread.



Rest in Peace Friend! Never forgotten..
Feb 20, 2004
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Palacios, TX
Thanks, walterm, for clearing up some of the problems. When you plan a big event and leave it in other folks' hands, stuff happens that you don't expect. I hope we can learn from this and move on. This topic is closed,

Randy JSM84

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