Better Ideas By Ford

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New member
May 22, 2004
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North of NYC
This seems to be the forum for this. I don't recall seeing any other posts on this subject, so if there is, forgive me for repeating it. Any way I think it deserves another look even if you have already covered it.

Ford is currently in the process of driving their loyal support groups over the edge. They currently are going after business with Mustang in their name. It won't be long before they go after everyone who uses Ford or any of it's products in their name. Take a look at this article in Ford Muscle magazine; see the article, "Help Us Convince Ford They Are Wrong" . Read the article and put in your well thought out, intelligent comments, try to keep the explitives down, it works better when being reviewed by the intended audience.

This link is also included in one of the comments and I will repeat it here,

When I do my final round of restoration, I'm personally considering removing any reference to Ford on my Bronco. After all, with some customization, it will look better than anything Ford ever built and why should I give them free advertising. So before any of you guys/gals get irate over this comment, read the articles in FMM and see what Ford is doing. They already abandoned us years ago and the only reason we can hang in there is because of a FEW loyal Ford aftermarket supporters.

I love my Bronco "Rosie", but just like human beings, just because hers or his relatives **** doesn't mean you can't love her/him.

Good luck,


Bully Bob

May 23, 2004
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Boulder City, Nevada (Las Vegas area)
" Ditto"

NOT a big fan of Fords TV commericals either....showing folks peeling out, & doing broad-slides on public streets, etc....

Enough kids die every day, "stuck-on-stupid" driving, W/O commericals prompting them.

But then, I can't get to the remote fast enough when ANY screaming, noisy car commerical comes on...!!!

Does that background noise of folks "beating on metal trash-cans with chains & a ladle", while some guy screams, really work....?

Sorry for "venting" .....


amos moses

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Sep 3, 2006
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One bad apple like you said. Just another lawyer trying a feeble attempt to justify his or her job. Probably a Toyota plant, maybe that one will get the axe too! As far as marketing agencies go, they know marketing stratagies, they have target groups and more often then not they hit their mark. Television shows do far greater damage than most commercials. Kids die everyday in cars, sad but true and alcohol seems to be the major factor not commercials. Ford is a good company struggling with unions and healthcare agencies. It is very hard to compete with companies that do not have these same problems. I doubt very much that the foreign car makers have the overhead that American car makers have. Enviromental issues,health costs,retirement benefits. What we need is higher tariffs on foriegn car makers to help with the unfair advantage that they have. If foreign cars are so good why do you never see any old ones? They are like the disposable diaper of the auto industry that's why. Their auto industry finally caught up to the T.V. dinner. They just are not as good as their marketing says, But people eat it up.


amos moses

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Sep 3, 2006
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Their are alot of companies that sell products that do not require the rip off of registered trademarks. Why do you think they chose Mustang? Because it is a big hit on the market, Why? Because Ford spent millions promoting it. I personally think they have bigger fish to fry, But after thinking about it, other companies sell Ford parts without ripping off company trademarks. They are just a little bit lazy and unimaginative.



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May 10, 2008
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El Paso, Tx
What we need is higher tariffs on foriegn car makers to help with the unfair advantage that they have.
I seem to remember hearing about this happening a while back. Almost all the domestic companies were at risk of going under because the imports were better in almost every way, well except the country they were built in. So the government started putting $3k taxes on the imports. What do the domestic companies do? They raised the price of their cars $3k.

Really, sometimes it seems like domestic companies deserve what they get.


Johnny Reb

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Sep 18, 2007
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West Virginia
This seems to be the forum for this. I don't recall seeing any other posts on this subject, so if there is, forgive me for repeating it. Any way I think it deserves another look even if you have already covered it.

Ford is currently in the process of driving their loyal support groups over the edge. They currently are going after business with Mustang in their name. It won't be long before they go after everyone who uses Ford or any of it's products in their name. Take a look at this article in Ford Muscle magazine; see the article, "Help Us Convince Ford They Are Wrong" . Read the article and put in your well thought out, intelligent comments, try to keep the explitives down, it works better when being reviewed by the intended audience.

This link is also included in one of the comments and I will repeat it here,

When I do my final round of restoration, I'm personally considering removing any reference to Ford on my Bronco. After all, with some customization, it will look better than anything Ford ever built and why should I give them free advertising. So before any of you guys/gals get irate over this comment, read the articles in FMM and see what Ford is doing. They already abandoned us years ago and the only reason we can hang in there is because of a FEW loyal Ford aftermarket supporters.

I love my Bronco "Rosie", but just like human beings, just because hers or his relatives **** doesn't mean you can't love her/him.

Good luck,

Johnny Reb

New member
Sep 18, 2007
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West Virginia
I am with you Seabronc. I have 2 broncos,a fairlane,3 bug ford trucks and I think a couple of others. I will be takeing the FORD --name off of them. When I bught my Dodge pick-up--the first thing I done was take the dealer name sticker name off. They asked me why--I looked at them and said--if you want it on their--you are gonna pay me for advertiseing your business. When I would take it in to get it serviced--they never offered to cut me any slack. Why should I give them a break.'

Thanks Seabronco,Johnny



New member
Mar 27, 2009
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Dallas Texas
I couldn't read the article because Ford Muscle has shut down the page. I'm guessin' Ford's tryin' to do what Monsanto has done to farmers who have neighbors that used Monsanto Soy Bean seed at some point. Monsanto asserts that they sold the seed to Mr. Farmer Here, with the explicit contractual instruction that he not clean and distribute the seed to anyone else who hasn't paid Monsanto for their seed. Well lo and behold.. a couple thousand geese land in Mr. Farmer Heres' field and partake of His seed of the earth then bed down for the night. Early the next morning they rise and fly over neighbor Mr. Farmer Theres' place and proceed to crap the previous nights glutteny over HIS fields. Well some how the geese, and the occasional coyote that eats some of Mr. Farmer Heres soy beans, then proceeds under the seven strand barbed wire fence onto Mr. Farmer Theres place, then has the audacity to have a bowel movement on the very dirt that Monsanto had "contractually obligated" Mr. Farmer Here not to allow to harvest "their" seed, without payin' THEM! That's somehow Mr. Farmer Heres' fault because he's the only farmer close to Mr. Farmer There who has Monsanto seed. Guess what? Monsanto takes Mr. Farmer Here to trial and literally "Packs his ASS"!The Liberal bastards in our Congressional Halls sucked up all the Monsanto lobbyists' money and passed the ******* laws that allow Monsanto to sue Mr. Farmer Here and take HIS FAMILIES' farm!! FOR WHAT? Because natural events happened that proved Mr.Farmer Here's lack of omnipresence and control over the beasts of the field and fowl in the air?! Is that NOT just as absurd as what Ford is obviously tryin' to do as well? Folks you GOT to remember- Government works FOR us! Only when WE let them Pass "foul" legislation, that goes against our very sacred Constitution, and allow Corporate giants from OTHER nations to take a U.S. citizens land will it indeed continue to happen! We are to blame! People are just too lazy to read a bill, that was written by some 25 year old Liberal Lawyer at a bar on K Street in Washington DC, for a $20 thousand dollar bonus! Simple as that! We have become so passive about our Liberties and freedoms that they are basically up for sale by nature of abandonment!!Yes, I hope to read about what Ford is alledged to have started from some other news or blog source. Then I can comment more intelligently on the matter. As of now, I only have hear say from some on this board, and very vague hear say at that, to go off of. More info might just drive me to sign the petition, then, as well.

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